The Shie Hassaikai Arc has reached its climax! Overhaul is now defeated, apprehended, and utterly broke. This episode was a wild rollercoaster of emotions, to say the least. The heroes have now regrouped and are in recovery mode in the midst of all of this aftermath. As Overhaul and the rest of his Shie Hassaikai members are being transported to the local villain hospital. They are intercepted by the League of Villains.


This moment was super exciting for me because we got to see the League of Villains working as a team and formulating an attack. And it’s always good to see Dabi in action who just like Shigaraki, has become one of my favorite members of the League of Villains. We see Dabi faceoff against Pro Hero Snatch, who made his debut in this episode and also met his untimely demise.

After a short exchange between Shigaraki and Overhaul, I really found myself cheering for Shigaraki, but also feeling sentiments for Overhaul as Shigaraki as he threw salt on his wounds and kicked him while he was down. Truly adding insult to injury. Overhaul lets out this chilling scream of agony and defeat that was just chilling, and despite all the evil he’s done, I couldn’t help but feel some type of sadness for him. At the end of the day, in his mind, what he was doing was for the “greater good” of the Yakuza and his grandfather.

But here is when I truly lost it and was overcome with heavy sadness, emotions, and tears. I’ve been hinting at this moment throughout my reviews since the start of this season, and while I knew this moment was coming, it still hit me harder than I expected.


Sir Nighteye’s final moments were gutwrenchingly heartbreaking. Nighteye is surrounded by those he admired most. His longtime friend and partner All Might who he hasn’t spoken to in years. Deku who throughout this arc has earned the respect of Sir Nighteye, even more so during his final battle with Overhaul. While these exchanges were heavy on the emotions. Watching Mirio come in to express his grievances and the exchange between the two sent me over the edge. It was deeper than just a mentee watching his mentor in his final moments.

That’s just the surface of it. Sir Nighteye and Mirio had more than a mentor/mentee relationship. It was clear that this was more of a father/son relationship, in the same vein as All Might and Deku. Having Sir Nighteye call Mirio his pride, then using his Foresight one last time to see Mirio’s future to reveal that he will become one of the greatest heroes around just wrapped everything up so perfectly.

This episode is one for the books. Last week’s episode was pure hype, while this episode was heavily set on emotions. Truly one of the most emotional episodes since the All Might vs All For One battle last season. It was perfect and I’m glad that this season is finally picking up some steam in true MHA fashion.

My Hero Academia Season Four is currently streaming on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Funimation.
