We’re a bit behind schedule with the most recent episode of My Hero Academia but that does not mean you won’t get a review out of me. This past week’s episode of My Hero Academia is titled “An Unpleasant Talk” and rightfully so. As all the Pro Heroes, local heroes, and first-year heroes have gathered together to inform all the heroes of Overhaul and the Shie Hassaikai, the League of Villains, and Overhaul’s “daughter” Eri.


While this is an episode that most fans, including myself, dub a “filler episode” and at the end of the day, it is. But like all filler anime episodes, they’re overloaded with information and backstory. In this case, this is an informative filler episode. The biggest piece of information to come from this episode is Overhaul’s Quirk.

One of the biggest questions regarding Overhaul was “what is his quirk exactly?” and we got our answer. Overhaul’s quirk allows him to break things and put them back together. Sounds like an oversimplification but from the way we’ve seen Overhaul use his quirk its more than just breaking things and putting them back together. As seen back in the premiere episode of Season 4, Overhaul uses his quirk AFTER his opponent is shot with the quirk-numbing drug. So it leaves us with more questions than answers.


While Nighteye’s speculation is that Overhaul is using Eri to make the drug, that conclusion is not definitive and more information has to be sought out in order to make it more concrete. As we see the vast majority of Pro Heroes ready to stand at the frontlines, the minor heroes are told to standby as things seem to be getting rather dangerous since the League of Villains are involved in the matter.


Deku and Lemillion are having a hard time overcoming their self-induced failure. Backtracking to Episode 4 when Deku and Lemillion first cross paths with Overhaul and Eri. Lemillion has to intervene and tentatively stop Deku from reacting and causing unnecessary conflict between themselves and Overhaul.


Here we find ourselves seeing Lemillion down and out…figuratively. He’s always the optimistic and cheerful hero like All Might but he finds himself beating himself up just like Deku, due to that “failure”. His fellow peers from the Big Three find themselves uplifting Lemillion, bringing him back to focus, as Eraserhead is doing the same for Deku, as he reminds him that despite his lack of trust for him, he’ll keep an eye out for him. Knowing he will pull through.

We finally get some insight sort of speak from Eri’s perspective and her encounter with Deku. As she reveals how safe she felt in Deku’s arms. I’m sure that will come into play later on as the season progresses, so I’m putting a pin on her personal comments and keep an eye out as to how those feelings further develop as she’s caught in the middle of the opposing sides.

Overall this past episode was a filler episode through and through but a very informative one that sets the stage for this week’s inevitable showdown.

My Hero Academia is streaming now on Hulu, Crunchyroll, and Funimation.
