The search and rescue of Overhaul’s “daughter” Eri is in full effect and the pro heroes have now pinpointed her location in one of the Shie Hassaikai’s bases of operation. The first year heroes, along with the Big Three standby idly as they await the call from Sir Nighteye so they can join the cause.


Deku and Mirio are still dealing with their sense of failure, regret, and sorrow. More specifically Deku, as he has now become overwhelmed with these emotions on top of having to deal with the potential death of All Might. As the episode goes on we get more and more foreshadowing of that inevitable death or presumed death sort of speak.


Prior to our heroes jumping into action, a final meeting is held to debrief everyone of the intel the Pro Heroes gathered. Here is when Sir Nighteye reveals how he discovered the location of Eri within the Hassaikai base. He uses his foresight on one of the Hassaikai’s members as he unintentionally runs into him at a toy store, as the man was there to purchase a toy for Eri.

The police, the Pro Heroes, and the first year’s have now gathered together outside the Shie Hassaikai’s base to commence their search for Eri. The only one missing is Gran Torino who has stayed back to keep tabs on the League of Villains since they are now on the move.


The search for Eri has commenced and the heroes and police are viciously attacked by a Hassaikai member and a battle ensues. While the heroes are busy on the outskirts of the base, outside. We are now following Overhaul and how he is counteracting this invasion. We discover that Overhaul is keeping his bedridden father in the base as well. While not much is revealed about his father at this point, we can only assume that his quirk, Eri’s potential quirk, and Overhaul’s dad are all intertwined.


This is just the tip of the iceberg for this epic showdown. Overhaul is ready to play his cards as he gathers his forces. He reveals that the heroes moved in earlier than he anticipated, but as justification for his retaliation, he’ll lay claim to them attacking them first.

Today’s episode is super solid and had me at the edge of my seat, with my nerves at 1,000 from start to finish. As I mentioned above this episode was just the tip of the iceberg of the massive showdown that is about to happen between the heroes and the Shie Hassaikai.

My Hero Academia Season 4 is now streaming on Funimation, Hulu, and Crunchyroll.
